Over time we have always grown and improved in the search to offer more and better services. Ultrasound is a sound wave system that allows the examination of the internal organs of different parts of the body; For a diagnosis. It is a non-painful procedure, quick to do and in the hands of very successful specialists for diagnosis.
Obstetric ultrasounds can be performed during all stages of pregnancy. This type of ultrasound is mainly performed using a transabdominal or transvaginal approach.
Most patients usually have at least one ultrasound in the first trimester to confirm the presence of a viable pregnancy inside the uterus and also to help estimate the gestational age of the fetus.
Ultrasound in the second and third trimesters on the other hand, are most commonly performed with the transabdominal approach.
Ultrasound is possible at any time during pregnancy, the optimal weeks for its execution are between 26 and 30 weeks, where the proportion of amniotic fluid is adequate and the intermediate fetal size.
Ultrasound or ultrasound is a type of image. It uses high frequency sound waves to observe organs and structures inside the body. During pregnancy, doctors use ultrasound tests to observe the fetus. Unlike x-rays, ultrasound does not expose radiation.
List of services we offer:
Doppler ultrasound.
Standard or 2D ultrasound.
3D ultrasound. Create a real picture of the baby.
4D ultrasound. Like 3D ultrasound, it creates a real image, but with movement.
It allows to deduce the gestation time, sex, placental size, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid density and helps diagnose congenital abnormalities.
We all have the illusion of knowing our children before they are born.